Thursday, May 19, 2011

Not Yet

Well, it's happening. Tre is heading to kindergarden.
I was kind of ignoring it. Pretending it wasn't happening. So much so, that I hadn't enrolled him ANYwhere. And that is apparently not so smart! So then after several failed attempts at open enrolling him in different schools, all which failed, I was sorta happy, I guess that means he can't go to kindergarden and I will have to homeschool him.
(If you know me at all, you are laughing your a$$ off right now:)
But I am serious. I was kinda glad. Until today, when I got the phone call that he did get into the charter school that we wanted him to get into.
I cried.
Not because I was happy, at least not at first.

Mostly I cried because he is leaving. I know, he's not going to college or anything, but he is leaving my protection, and love, and span of influence for 8 hours each day!

What this really means is that my worst fears for him will come true, probably in the fall. He will get made fun of, kids will be mean to him, and he will be without me.
His birth defects are not something he can hide.

And we have been preparing him for this, praying for him, protecting him, and building him up. Since the day he was born, so that when this happened, he would know who he really is, so he would know that he is so much more than the sum of his digits, and is destined for something great. And I know he's ready.
But I am not.

Next week is preschool graduation, and then registration at his new school. And he is so excited. And I am believing that he will always be excited for school, that he will always feel accepted and loved by friends and teachers there. And that when he has bad days, that he will remember who he is. And who His God is.

And I guess, despite my extreme desire for him to never go to kindergarden, it's happening.
On another note, this is the school he will be going to, k-8, so he might not go to another school until high school, that is CRAZY! It is a charter school that has been sponsored by Apple, each student will receive their own iPad and all lessons will be conducted on their iPads, this allows for extreme individualization for each student based on their needs. I love this, and I know he will too! It is also an Apple school equipped with smart boards in each classroom, MacBookPros, and amazing top of the line curriculum!
David is worried that Tre might have an iPad before him...

Here is a short video about his new school (for my family)


  1. GOd is so good. I rememeber being heartbroken sending Sophie to school, she LOVEd it and everyone loved her, it was all so fun, I am not ready to send her to high school...aggghhh. we can drop them off next fall and have "boo hoo yahoo" coffee. Where we can cry and celebrate!

  2. Thanks for the video, i cried because they were all using their index fingers on their i-Pads, and i cried because i know Tre has already created a workaround for his touch-keying! I have been anxious about his starting school as well, but his parents and his God have given him the spirit and personality to shine in the challenge. i pray for him everyday. Oma

  3. beautiful, oma . . . . . ditto
    love, mimi
