Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Today's A Big Day

Today is a big day around here. The perinatologist team that I worked with at the hospital a few weeks ago called late last week. They got some more test results back that caused them some more concern. So today we are going in to have an ultrasound to check the growth of our little girl, and to check for signs of CMV in her. They also want to do an amnio. At this point, I think we will decline.

But please be praying for our baby girl, that she would continue to grow healthy and strong, and unaffected by this virus. And that we would see clearly exactly what we should do next, and what we shouldn't do.

Then we go down a floor of the hospital... and David gets his vasectomy:)

I am also meeting with several new social workers in our home. I am the "foster parent" they experience in their training. They have to come to our home to see "the day in the life of" type thing. And they ask me lots of questions and I give them advice in dealing with foster parents!

Then I go pick up poor David from his "procedure" bring him home, ice him up:) and make dinner.
(Funny side note on David's procedure. They sent him a packet of information, and he couldn't read it because of all the pictures and such, it was completely freaking him out. Not to mention his lovely Christian School Education so he is not used to hearing such words, and didn't even know that the "tubes" as he called them, were called the vas deferens! So he asked me to read it to him. And I am at that place in my pregnancy where I could possibly pee my pants at any moment... well needless to say it was the funniest bit of literature we've ever read and we both couldn't stop laughing. Poor David. And poor me, I had to change.)

THEN, tonight, I head over to Laurie's house so that we can finish packaging up al of the Coal boxes for The Adventure Project so that we can begin mailing! And if you're local, we would LOVE to have your help! We are meeting from 8-10 pm tonight to add brochures and ties to all of the boxes. It will be fun, we'll be laughing, and drinking wine, and eating goodies, so I hope you can come by! (comment here or email me and I will get you the address! Amanda at VisionAirLLC dot com)


  1. Oh Amanda, I am amazed by you and yours! God is so awesome and moves through your family in ways that, at times, words cannot express! I am in awe of your endurance and courage!
    Ok, so the "V" day literature for David, had me In stitches! Too funny! (PLEASE CONVINCE MY HUBBY TO JOIN THE CLUB!!!!). :)
    I am praying for you and this day! We love u guys!

    Love, cherise

  2. I will be praying for you guys and for your precious little girl.
