Monday, February 14, 2011


A few snap shots, since my brain is not fully operating due to lack of sleep!

1. There is a little bit of jealousy around here. D peed all over the baby's crib, and he continually asks me, "Has our baby died yet?"
"No D, he hasn't died, please stop peeing on his crib and his clothes."
In all seriousness, the poor guy is missing all the attention and just trying to make sense of things in his mind.

2. Along the jealousy lines, Tre filled the baby's drawers with every rubber snake we have (which is quite a few), and wrapped them through the drawer handles and door knobs, he said they are for protection, like what's on ambulances... I am not so sure.

3. We are having a soap party here tomorrow night, if you are local, come help us package up soap for The Adventure Project! And don't forget to purchase your soap here to help provide training to locals in India to fix broken wells in their region!

4. Do you remember this post, about the boys in my back seat... well my children don't all fit in the back seat right now. So Tre rides up front, in his car seat with the airbag off. Apparently thisi s NOT illegal, just ill-advised. Pray for safety, and that we can save money and get a bigger car soon:)

5. The three year old boy who is with us for a short time will be leaving soon so that our baby's older sister, who is 20 months old, and a GIRL can move in (yes donations and advice are gratefully appreciated, 2 year old girl, what do they wear? What do they play with? How do I mother a girl?). She will be with us for a while.
THUS we are done growing our family! We went from two to four in just a few days, and it seems like all of them are very LONG term:)
We are joyfully overwhelmed and thankful. (I don't know if David is at the thankful stage yet, but he's on his way;)


  1. I don't think you'll have any trouble having a girl me ma. We have tons of 2+ clothes if you need any clothes and stuff. The Anna Monster doesn't wear 2 year old stuff yet.

    How exciting!!!!

    Maybe we can come over and help with soap/childcare tonight.

  2. need another lasagna? Or something for dinner? Goodness girl, you're house is FULL!
