Monday, February 7, 2011


Imagine a life in which good thoughts are followed by good actions. Where intention is demonstrated with dignity and love.

I want to be an amazing friend, a selfless, caring, thoughtful, and supportive friend.
Often times, I am not.

I want to be a supportive and nurturing wife, and encouraging wife.
Often times I am not.

I want to be a patient, creative, and encouraging mother.
Often times, I am not.

I want to give to change the world, to fulfill my destiny by helping others and supporting world changers.
Often times, I do not.

I think we all struggle with the distance between our intentions and our actions. There are often huge discrepancies between the two.

But that is why I LOVE The Adventure Project. It is a way for me to bridge the gap. It is a cause in which I know that my intentions to give and help, will be fulfilled with dignity and grace, a way to give with honor, to truly make a difference and not to just feel better about myself.
And that is why I am so excited to tell everyone about the next project, this is a project that I am really really passionate about.

Globally, one-in-eight people lack access to clean drinking water – a crisis of epic proportions. Installing more wells would seem like an easy answer, but it’s the maintenance of those wells that’s the issue. A recent study funded by The Gates Foundation and conducted in 21 African countries found 36% of all handpumps installed within the last twenty years are broken. South Asia has similar statistics.

But this enormous challenge also presents a great opportunity: who is going to fix all these wells? The international charity, WaterAid seems to have an enterprising solution; this non-profit started a business. Two years ago, WaterAid decided to pilot a mechanic training program in the District of Mahoba, India, where over 4,000 wells are broken. With they set up a storefront and bought tools, bikes and water quality testing equipment. They trained mechanics, including seven women. And they started repairing wells for any village willing to pay.

It worked. In fact, the phone won’t stop ringing. The mechanics have fixed over 300 wells so far, turning water back on for 75,000 people. But they cannot do it alone. WaterAid must purchase more tools to meet demand, and needs support as they bring their successful business model to another state in India. We need your voice to stand up for this issue and your support to help this campaign grow.

So we are selling organic handmade bars of soap. Each bar of soap will support four areas of the well mechanics program (and costs $20):

Skills - Training well mechanics in Uttar Pradesh & Bihar India.

Operations - Purchasing additional tools & water - quality testing equipment to meet demand.

Advertising - Using our photographers (@estherhavens) images to place on billboards & advertisements.

Promotion - Hygiene education & well maintenance training for villagers, to prevent disease & keep wells working.

Each organic bar of soap is handmade by the fine people behind CleanGetawaySoap Co. in Denver, Co. Specially designed by our Tribe just for you. Each bar comes with a booklet about the water program and the next The Adventure Project magnet for your collection.

You can purchase them here!

And please leave me a comment if you'd like to help in other (local) ways as well.

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