Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Surgery update

We're home. tre did amazingly well yesterday for surgery.

I am emotionally spent and have done absolutely nothing all day but snuggle with my little Puka, watch movies, and poor him juice.

At the hospital the doctor decided that his "episode" was not caused by his ear infection, but decided that we should go ahead with surgery in order to rul
e this out in the future. Doctors now think it was some sort of neurological thing, a stroke or seizure of some type.

I don't know what to think. We will follow up with neurology at some point, but there is no rush at this point. Tre's face is 100% back to normal, and now we are just trying to get him better!

So, I am going back to doing nothing, but I noticed how many people have checked the blog and thought I should be polite and update.

I am in a funk so please excuse me.

PS- I have amazing friends. Two who I would like to thank especially, my friends Jen and Ashley. We've known each other since junior high. They work at Children's Hospital here. And their support and love for Puka always makes our trips so much better. What they do makes such a difference! They are wonderful and make tough times for families a little easier.

Here is what Tre woke up to from surgery.


  1. We love you lots Amanda (and Tre too of course)! God knows exactly what is going on and he will guide your steps all the way. That way, you can just rest in His care.

  2. You are so very very welcome Amanda! I dislike the circumstances when I get to see you and Tre, but not going to lie, he does put a smile on my face! I am glad to hear he is doing alright!

  3. I love you and I am praying for Tre's recovery from all of this. God is SO big and he knows exactly what caused this...HE will cradle you in His arms no matter how 'funky' you are. Call if you need to.
