Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Video Diary

I think a lot of you got to see the video a couple weeks ago that our friends did of us at Destiny church. Mike has posted it and others of us on his blog. Check it out. The first one is about David and I, the secondo ne is about me, the third one is about David, and the last one is about our little guy and being parents. I cry, so if you cry easIly, you might need a tissue! The Goolsbay's live in Tulsa, so beware, the first few posts is after math of the hoRRRRrible ice storm they are having, keep scrolling down and you'll find our thing, it's called "Meet David and Amanda", pretty self explanatory!

SOrry about the spelling, I can't get Tre away and he is just randomly throwing himself on the keyboard, this should explain some thingSSSS!!!

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