Saturday, October 16, 2010


So late Thursday night we welcomed into our home two year old boy twins... thus I will not be blogging for quite some time!

Just kidding, I hope!

Now I am constantly reminding myself of how Jesus interjected himself into the midst of struggling, hurt, broken people. And how I want our story to mean something... I want to change the world, maybe two little boys at a time. And it might cost me what feels like everything right now. But that is what I want. We don't want to live an easy life, That's not what we were called to do. We were called to bring healing to the broken hearted and to care for the orphan and widow.

What is a little frustrating is that many people think we're crazy for doing what Jesus asks us to do. But I'm a little raw right now, so I probably shouldn't say that... But I will.

What we're doing is really hard, and really rewarding, and we are trying to enjoy each precious day we have with these guys.


  1. Shut the front door!

    Just kidding. I am so excited for you and love guys... I want details and cant wait to meet them.

  2. perfect. I LOVE you, am inspired by you, and so very very PROUD of you. every precious soul God puts in your arms comes with a mimi - free of charge. give all three boys a big 1-2-3 squeeze from me !!!

  3. Amanda, How wonderful!! I'll be praying for you. Are the boys okay? Is it two one year olds or are they two years old??
