Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My new camera!

My graduation post is in the works. I am awaiting pictures and the right words. But until then.. this is what I got for graduation... a camera! And I am in love. As my faithful blog followers know, I lost my camera right before Christmas as a result of a bad fall in the hands of Tre. This camera will NOT be held by Tre, ever!

With no further ado, my first day with my new camera looked something like this (but in reverse order)...

Tre making a pizza, serious stuff!
In reverse order, we went to the aquarium with the Dunn's (since Brittlee hasn't posted in months, you can find pic updates here! Just Kidding!), then we went to our favorite pizza place The Boulevard and Tre made a pizza (serious stuff people). And then we got tired and went to bed!

1 comment:

  1. ha. ha. ha. You are too funny. Thanks for taking some great pictures of my kids
